Ensuring Your Seat on the Board
Upcoming Webinar & Lecture Registration
Elevating Your Executive Presence
Focus Areas to Become a Charismatic Leader
with Mark A. Pfister
We hear it quite often. "The CEO has great executive presence." "Of all of the Director candidates, this one conveys the best executive presence." "Our top 3 candidates are equal in capabilities and experience, however candidate 2 has the best executive presence." It seems that executive presence is a highly important skill to possess for career advancement - and most would agree. For many, a version of the famous quote stating, "I can't define it, but I know it when I see it," is common when describing this worthy skill. In this webinar, we will identify, define and hone your executive presence... so you can directly leverage it for your advancement.
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10:00AM EDT / Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025
On-Demand Webinar, Lecture, and Podcast Recordings
Leading a Culture of Compliance
Integrating Ethical Behaviors Throughout the Organization with Shelly M. Gallup & Mark A. Pfister
Values and culture are very important to the organization, but many leaders struggle to integrate these behaviors into the core of their operations. "How do we ensure our people are adhering to our guidelines, even when we are not looking?" is a common question. Identifying & addressing how a strong compliance culture protects a company from legal and reputational risks, fostering trust within the organization and among stakeholders. Join Shelly M. Gallup, IBDC.D, as she sheds light on compliance trending, non-compliance impact, compliance culture responsibility and a compliance culture framework for leaders to form high-performance teams. Create your culture of compliance and be prepared for whatever governance, risk and compliance challenges arise.
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The Generational Cha-Cha
Choreographing Generational Motivators in the Boardroom and Across the Organization
For the first time in history, we have reached the point where 5 generations are collaborating in the boardroom and throughout the organization. Have we truly realized the amazing power of such a diverse team? Are we creating mechanisms to enable productive outcomes or are we simply focused on the generational differences? Join Mark A. Pfister as he guides us through proven approaches to effectively integrate and leverage the motivators and styles of the generations to elevate the Board and the organization.
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AI in the Boardroom
A Strategic Framework for Governing Artificial Intelligence
with Bernadette M. Rotolo & Mark A. Pfister
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a pivotal topic in boardrooms worldwide. Are we thinking about AI in a way to ensure success or are we just reacting to the pressure to act quickly? To navigate the turbulent AI revolution, join Bernadette M. Rotolo as she guides us through how to effectively govern AI in our boardrooms leveraging a strategic framework to ensure success.
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It’s ALL About the Data
Resetting Board Perspective on Data
with Susan D. Noiles & Mark A. Pfister
Data is high on the list of valuable assets for every organization, however, many organizations have lost sight of this in their pursuit of topics such as AI or cyber risk. Do you find yourself in the weeds on narrow topic discussions or feel like you’re missing the bigger picture? Are you challenged by the complexity and interrelationships associated with Board governance, risks and opportunities of this critical asset? Join Susan Noiles for an introduction to the framework that enables a structured approach for the Board and gets you out of the tactical space.
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AI on Board: Steering the Future of Governance
Guiding Boardroom Principles for the AI Revolution with Timothy G. Glowa & Mark A. Pfister
Artificial Intelligence is transforming the boardroom. Are Directors prepared? Boards that effectively evaluate AI opportunities, emphasize Directors’ strategic role in AI governance, and adapt their governance to AI's complexities will come out ahead. Strategic planning, risk considerations, as well as transparency to ensure ethical and successful AI adoption are equally important. Join Tim Glowa as he shares powerful insights needed for effective governance in the AI revolution.
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Content is (Still) King…or Queen
Content as a Tool to Successfully Position Yourself as a Board Director with Anouk Pappers & Mark A. Pfister
By now, we probably all realize that content is an essential tool in shaping our brand and our authority, especially when we’re looking for that Board seat. So why don’t we create content? Some obstacles: we don’t know our subject, we are not good writers, or we simply don’t have the time. Does this sound familiar? Join us for a session where Anouk Pappers walks you through the roadmap of creating content that will position you for that first, or next Board seat.
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How Much Should You Be Paid as a Board Director?
Cracking The Code of Board Director Compensation
with William Tennenbaum & Mark A. Pfister
Board Director pay has been somewhat of an enigma since the inception of Boards of Directors. This is true from many angles, including those not familiar with Board Directorship and more surprisingly, experienced Board Directors not keeping up with compensation trending. Do you know what you are worth?
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The VUCA Vectors
The Art and Science of Seeing Around Corners
with Linda Holroyd
Concerned about the seemingly increasing disruption and upheaval we witness every day? Struggling to govern and prioritize it all? Boardrooms are no different - and Directors who can effectively lead through VUCA elevate their Boards and the organizations they serve. VUCA is a framework that considers the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity of change in order to help leaders navigate unclear situations. Join Linda Holroyd as she shares helpful tips and a successful framework for our VUCA world.
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Leveraging LinkedIn to Establish
Your Authority
How Board Candidates Elevate Themselves Through Effective Content Strategy with Rocco Luisi
Having trouble making an impact on LinkedIn? Struggling to reach and connect with your targeted audience? Perhaps no one notices you due to your lack of activity or less-than-engaging content on LinkedIn? This could have a direct impact on landing that elusive Board seat you desire. Many decision makers immediately check your LinkedIn profile following an introduction – and they notice whether or not you are an active and respected thought leader in your industry or areas of expertise. How do you add to that ideal Board Candidate profile and stand out from your competition? Meaningful sharing and posting on LinkedIn is a surefire way to build your credibility and showcase your expertise. Join Rocco Luisi as he shows you how to create a content strategy that grabs the attention of companies and Nominating Committees looking to appoint Board Members.
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The Culture Imperative
Building the Next Cycle of Culture to Support the Organization with Thomas Bradbury
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Why is culture more important than ever? It’s always been culture that determines success – especially during challenging circumstances and change. A great culture is imperative in developing the traits necessary for organization success, and yes, you’ll see the effects in your bottom line. However, culture is created through consistent and authentic behaviors - areas which require focus across the entire organization. But how do you drive and measure consistent and authentic behaviors? Join us to learn how great leaders are building the next cycle of culture to support workers across all realms.
Navigating Cyber Insurance in the Boardroom
Hedging Against the Devastating Effects of Cybercrimes with Charlie Stenger
Cyber insurance is designed to help businesses hedge against potentially devastating effects of cybercrimes such as ransomware, malware, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and other nefarious methods used to compromise networks and sensitive data. Also referred to as cyber risk insurance or cybersecurity insurance, these products are personalized to help an organization mitigate specific risks. Cyberthreats are constantly evolving. Are you?
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Risk & the Resilient Governance Leader
Leading Through an Effective Risk Management Strategy
with Ellen Shew Holland
Strategic Risk Management, the process of recognizing risks, identifying their causes & effects, and implementing relevant mitigation actions, is imperative in dynamic and challenging markets. Risks can arise from many factors and can disrupt an organization’s ability to reach goals, successfully compete, or in some cases survive. Directors have an immediate responsibility for their organizations’ risk appetite and the subsequent outcomes – so how should an effective Director approach risk? Join us to find out.
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Governing The Escalation Process
Implementing a Simple Process for Effective Problem Solving
Some of the best organizations possess the qualities to quickly overcome obstacles. They seem to be able to identify and solution problems in what some may view as record time. This is commonly followed by accolades and numerous pats on the back for those involved. Problems fully solved? Well,… maybe. There happens to be much more to this picture. Join us to find out.
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The Pre-IPO Board
Preparing The Board of Directors Early in Anticipation of Going Public
with Roberta G. Sydney & Mark A. Pfister
The decision for a private company to go public is a major one. The growth implications of an IPO (initial public offering) are far-reaching, and the rewards can be incredible, but how should a company prepare for this and what exactly are the important focus areas as they relate to the Board of Directors? Join us to find out what you need to know.
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The Strategy of Risk
How Strategy Plays a Direct Role in Risk Realization
with Mark A. Pfister
Strategy can play a huge role in risk realization - but why don't we hear more about this? Leaders need to fully ensure this relationship is understood and applied daily. Join Mark A. Pfister as he explains how leaders applying these linkages find success as well as experience the benefit of being more in control of their environment and responsibilities.
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Executing Strategy in the New Normal
The Increasing Need to Succeed in Strategy Execution & Thrive Through Disruption
with guest Ulf Arnetz
Strategy execution hasn't changed much in the last 30 years, but now it must. Major shifts in strategy execution are required in modern times due to ongoing and increased disruption factors as witnessed with COVID, remote working trends, inflation, political unrest, supply chain challenges, and many more. Join Ulf Arnetz as he shares his deep experience and knowledge on how you can reap the benefits and ensure success in your strategy execution.
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The Anatomy of a Future Director
with guest Paul Smith
The role of a Board Member must evolve to suit the contemporary world and become 'fit for purpose.' Understand how the ensure your ongoing relevance for the companies you help govern.
Hosted by our DCM Education & Certification Partner, Shaparency
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The Continuing Manufacturer Uplift
Where Manufacturer Boards are Increasingly Focusing Their Time
with guests Gonzalo Martinez & Mariano O. Presas
Of all the global industries, those squarely positioned in manufacturing verticals have truly experienced a challenging past 36 months. Join us to learn how two leaders and Directors in the manufacturing industry are overcoming these challenges.
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Dynamics of a Killer Strategy for Businesses & Boards
with guest Tom Ricca-McCarthy
The most common challenges for strategy leaders are all issues that come into play during strategy execution. In this webinar, Tom will highlight strategy survey data from CEOs, address their challenges, showcase what good strategy practices look like and how they make an impact, and review the role Boards have in strategy.
Hosted by our DCM Education & Certification Partner, Shaparency
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Radio Jobline Broadcast
Radio host Scott Passeser interviews Mark A. Pfister
In this LI News Radio / 103.9 FM broadcast on the topic of Boards with host Scott Passeser, Mark A. Pfister gives you the background on how the best Board Candidates get their boardroom appointments.
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The 10 Best Ways to Improve Your Board
with guest Nicholas Barnett
Hosted by our DCM education & certification partner Shaparency
In this webinar Nicholas shares his experience gained from inside some of the 180 Boards he has reviewed and gives you the 10 best ways to improve your Board.
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Doing Good - Leadership Obligation or Opportunity?
with guest Anne Bahr Thompson
Hosted by our DCM education & certification partner Shaparency
Join global brand expert, Anne Bahr Thompson, and learn why a sustainability mindset & ethos of citizenship are essentials for you as a leader and the Boards you serve.
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The Successful Board Candidate's Roadmap
with Mark A. Pfister
Hosted by our DCM education & certification partner Shaparency
Mark A. Pfister reveals the common mistakes most Board Director candidates make in pursuit of a Board seat, and 5 "must do's" for serious Board Director consideration. Understanding how to successfully plan and implement your modern Board Director Candidate strategy is key today, as Boards are in a hurry to adapt and modernize to a global landscape.
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Get Your Butt on a Private Equity Board
with guest Mike Lorelli
Hosted by our DCM education & certification partner Shaparency
Mike Lorelli talks about the shocking proportions and growth of private equity portfolio companies, how they 'stock' their Boards, their unique management style (which carries into the Boardroom), and how to leverage the Board appointment opportunities in this high-volume area.
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Mental Fitness & the Saboteurs of Boardroom Success
with guest David Beale
Hosted by our DCM education & certification partner Shaparency
Positive Intelligence (PQ) research has synthesized the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive psychology and performance science - with over 500,000 participants from 50 countries, including business leaders and elite athletes. Join David Beale and learn about the Mental Fitness framework at the core of the research that takes you right to the root cause of what is blocking or
limiting peak performance and wellbeing. Discover the 10 Saboteurs that get in your way and learn how to develop the mental muscle to shift your leadership powers and create the foundation for sustainable improvement in outcomes, performance, and relationships.
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Performing Effective Board Evaluations
Guiding Proper Board & Director Reviews
with guest Dr. Sabine Dembkowski
Annual Board evaluations have become mainstream, and in some cases required, within for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Entire Board as well as individual Director evaluations along with actionable and measurable feedback are imperative for Boards and their organizations to thrive. However, not all evaluations are effective nor incorporate the numerous important facets for a well-rounded assessment. All individuals and groups require performance feedback to ensure growth and improvement.
Properly structured and implemented evaluations allow Boards and their Directors to mitigate risk and encourage continuous improvement.
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(Related: Education - Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: International Speaking Tour - Building an Effective Board for Your Company)
(Related: Book - Across The Board - The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors)
Build an Effective Board and Success Will Follow
Hosted by our affiliate On Boards Podcast
In this episode, Mark A. Pfister "The Board Architect” speaks with Raza Shaikh and Joe Ayoub of On Boards Podcast about how to build a Board, what that means, and the powerful impact it has on any company or organization. Additionally, they discuss the three areas of focus for proper Board architecture, the relationship between strategy and governance, and the importance of separate Risk Committees! Listen here.
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(Related: Education - Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: International Speaking Tour - Building an Effective Board for Your Company)
(Related: Book - Across The Board - The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors)
Maximizing Your Online Presence
Leverage Your Authority & Build Your Online Presence to Support Your Board Search
Join us for an interactive session with Brand Anthropologist Anouk Pappers where we discuss the ins and outs of Thought Leadership Content. Why we need it, how we can create it, where we can publish it, and what it will bring us. Where to start? Establishing your authority, building your personal brand, and articulating that into content… During this webinar we discuss obstacles to creating content, how to overcome them, and how to actually create relevant content.
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(Related: Article - 'The Once Taboo World of Board Director Marketing')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course')
(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate')
(Related: Book - 'Across The Board - The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors')
7 Pivots for the COVID-Age Board
How The Pandemic Has Changed & Refocused Board Efforts
COVID-19 has affected just about every aspect of personal and professional lives around the world. This is also true in the world's boardrooms. Boards of Directors have not been immune to the pandemic's effects, experiencing additional risk components spread across entire corporate landscapes and dominating most strategic and governance discussions. The sheer size and number of challenges are immense for many Boards, with unintended knock-on effects adding more stress. All of these rapid-fire arrows have rendered countless
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Boards in a highly reactive mode, with certain trends emerging. Join us to find out what these trends are and the pivots that great Boards are embracing.
(Related: Article - '7 Pivots for the COVID-Age Board')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course')
(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate')
(Related: Book - 'Across The Board - The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors')
Human Capital Disclosure & the Board
With guest speaker Solange Charas and host Mark A. Pfister
The work and workforce transformation is forcing the need for transparent, robust, and more relevant disclosure of Human Capital (HC) metrics, formerly areas that have been overlooked or relegated to the realm of 'soft' or 'intangible' assets ...but they are extremely important and have bottom-line effects! HC is a required focus area for Boards and organizations to achieve goals, evolve, remain innovative, and generate returns for stakeholders and shareholders. Join us to learn the unique and distinct components as compared to all other capital measurements.
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(Related: Article - 'Human Capital Disclosure & the Board')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course')
(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate')
(Related: Book - 'Across The Board - The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors')
The Power of Your Online Presence
with Anouk Pappers
Whether you're looking for advancement on your current career track, a career shift, new clients, investors, partners, or a Board seat, an incomplete online image under-sells you and leads to missing out on crucial opportunities to achieve your next business goal. In this video, learn how to build, grow, and control your proper online presence.
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(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course')
(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate')
(Related: Book - 'Across The Board - The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors')
Boost Your Chances of Getting on the Board
Properly Strategizing Your Board Candidacy For Success
Do you have ambitions to one day sit on a Board of Directors or join additional modern-day Boards? Join 'The Board Architect' Mark A. Pfister and find out how to make that dream a reality. In this webinar hosted by Shaparency, learn the proven and effective steps to plan and implement your Board Director strategy. Experience how these achievable & focused efforts help you convey the expertise and confidence needed for serious and viable Board Director / Board Advisor consideration.
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(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course')
(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate')
(Related: Book - 'Across The Board - The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors')
Building Your Dream Board
Modern Board Architecture Principles For An Effective Board of Directors
Assembling the ‘perfect’ board isn’t a mystery - it’s a process and a discipline. In this webinar titled 'Building Your Dream Board' hosted by Shaparency, industry leader Mark A. Pfister unpacks the secrets of modern-day Board building. Mark’s no-nonsense approach gets straight to the point and includes practical steps. Watch to learn how to: Build the foundation of an effective Board / Re-invigorate efficiencies in existing Boards / Identify diverse and practical skill sets
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(Related: Consulting - 'Board Build - Strategic Planning & Structuring Engagement')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Building an Effective Board For Your Company')
(Related: Book - 'Across The Board - The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors')
The Board Candidate's Checklist
Asking The Right Questions Before Saying "Yes" to the Seat
Executive/Board search and placement firms as well as Nominating Committees commonly have a detailed evaluation checklist that is frequently referenced throughout their search and vetting process. However, when it comes to Board Candidates going through a vetting process, it is not as common for these candidates to have a detailed and process-oriented approach to properly do their own 'counter-vetting' of the organization and Board they aspire to join. Yes, almost all Board Candidates will have a
handful of questions, but in most cases they are not systematically evaluating the Board in topic areas that matter most for success. This can prove to be a big mistake. Join us to learn the right questions to ask before saying "yes" to the seat.
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(Related: Consulting - 'Board of Directors Nominating Process Engagement')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate')
On The Topic of Boards...
A Wide-Ranging Interview of Mark A. Pfister on Board Topics by Ross Lauder, Chief Energy Officer of Single Focus Talent
The Global Tech Leaders’ Podcast delivers business leaders and individual contributors with actionable insights to hit their numbers and figure out the nuances of truly operating a business globally today. Squeezing the essence of the lessons learned from the planet's top tech leaders, this is your guide to joining the fast track to global market scaling.
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(Related: Consulting - 'Board Build - Strategic Planning & Structuring Engagement')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate')
5 Steps to Nailing Your Board Director Interview
Making a Great Impression That Leads to a Resounding "Yes" (from both sides of the table)
Ok, so you packaged yourself properly, submitted your impressive Board Document along with your Board Bio, avoided sending a resume or CV, and got the call to come in - they are interested in potentially having you join their Board! This first triumph of getting to an interview is arguably the toughest hurdle to make it over, so you definitely did something right and likely avoided many of the common Board Candidate pit-
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falls. Now, you know there are commonly multiple other candidates... Do you simply wait for the scheduled interview date and just show up for a discussion? Find out the helpful tips to put you over the top to get the Board seat.
(Related: Consulting - 'Board of Directors Nominating Process Engagement')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate')
Do You Do The D&O?
Important Directors & Officers Insurance Considerations to Lower Risk
The business world has undeniably become a more litigious environment over recent decades. Liability and risk at all levels of business have increased. The suing of Directors and Officers is nothing new, however, the frequency of this action has greatly increased and can even expose company Officers and Board Directors to significant personal liability. It seems that 'piercing the corporate veil' has become more commonplace. As a Director, know the important facts of how to protect yourself.
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(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Building an Effective Board For Your Company')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: Consulting - 'Board Build - Strategic Planning & Structuring Engagement')
Heeding The Board's 5 Observables
Glaring Indicators of a Board's Current & Future Success
What if there was a reliable way to predict which Boards are able to quickly adapt to adversity in support of their organizations vs. which Boards would succumb to a mountain of perceived ill fortune during a crisis. Sounds too good to be true… but is it possible? Join me to learn 5 reliable indicators that help predict resilient and effective Boards.
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(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Building an Effective Board For Your Company')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: Consulting - 'Board Build - Strategic Planning & Structuring Engagement')
Modern Board Architecture
The 3 Most Important Board Structural Focus Areas Ensuring Success
Proper Board architecture considers multiple integrated facets of a Board's appropriate makeup, not solely each individual Board Member's area of professional expertise or experience. ‘Modern Board Architecture’ educates Boards and business leaders on the immense value of properly architecting an experienced and integrated Board of Directors or Board of Advisors. Includes the topic areas of a Board's:
Sphere of Influence
Planes of Congruence
Coverage & Balance
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(Related: International Speaking Tour - 'Building an Effective Board For Your Company')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: Consulting - 'Board Build - Strategic Planning & Structuring Engagement')
Exceptional Board Governance
The Foundational Knowledge Elements of True Governance Experts
Everyone talks governance, but are you truly an expert? Just because you served in roles where governance was expected, this doesn't automatically translate into proficiency or expertise. Join me for a 1-hour crash course on the history, evolution, and application of proper governance principles. It could possibly equate to a major turning point in your career...
Governance Background
Governance Prerequisites
Values & Governance
Governance Thought Leadership
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(Related: National Speaking Tour - 'Customizable Board of Directors & Leadership Topics')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: Consulting - 'Governance Modeling & Implementation'
Becoming The Strategic Executive
The Foundational Knowledge Elements of True Strategy Experts
Whether you are an experienced or aspiring Board Director or C-Level Executive, proper foundational strategy insight is a must. Watch this recorded webinar to learn about the history, evolution, and effective application of modern-day strategy to elevate your success.
History & Evolution of Strategy
Effective Strategy Application
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(Related: National Speaking Tour - 'The Strategy of Strategy')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: Consulting - 'The Strategy Workshop'
Ensuring Your Seat on the Board
In a collaboration between M. A. Pfister Strategy Group's CEO & Chief Board Consultant Mark A. Pfister and Boardsi's CEO Martin Rowinski, the successful roadmap of steps to increase your chances of getting to the all-important Board Candidate interview, and then to the boardroom, are succinctly laid out in an easily followed chronology of focus areas.
Preparing Your Expertise, Experience, & Certifications
Proper Board Candidate Packaging
Acing your Board Interview
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(Related: National Speaking Tour - 'The Strategy of Strategy')
(Related: Education - 'Becoming an Exceptional Board Director Candidate' Education & Certification Course)
(Related: Book - 'Across The Board: The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors')
(Related: Board - 'Available For Select Board Director & Board Advisor Positions')
Crisis Strategy: Successfully Pivoting Your Personal Strategy in Times of Change
Strategies are truly tested during times of crisis, and most often, they are tweaked or reworked to clearly align with reset goals. Companies do it to align efforts and direction, so what about your personal strategy? You know, the goals (what) and strategy (how) that you should have to reach your personal aspirations... these are just as important!
M. A. Pfister Strategy Group's CEO & Chief Board Consultant Mark A. Pfister and 40Strategy's CEO Carl J. Cox join forces for a clear and no-nonsense look at how to realign your thought process to support your personal goals, aspirations, and strategy in times of crisis.
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(Related: Consulting - 'The Strategy Workshop')
(Related: National Speaking Tour - 'The Strategy of Strategy')
(Related: Consulting - 'Board Build - Strategic Planning & Structuring Engagement')
What Is Strategy?: Keynote Introduction at Cascade Strategy's Global Conference
What exactly is strategy? An age-old question that has plagued all levels of organizations across all industries.
Starting with the amazing 2,500 years of strategy history and its evolution to present day application, the true definition, usefulness, and advantages of proper 'strategy' is clearly reached.
Is your strategy knowledge up to speed?
International Board Director Competency Designation (IBDC.D) certification holders will receive 1 CPE credit by watching
(follow proper CPE submission guidelines)
(Related: Consulting - 'The Strategy Workshop')
(Related: National Speaking Tour - 'The Strategy of Strategy')
(Related: Consulting - 'Board Build - Strategic Planning & Structuring Engagement')
OnBoard On-Demand Webinar:
Building an Effective Board of Directors
Passageways, creator of the OnBoard Board portal software, hosted guest speaker 'The Board Architect,' Mark A. Pfister, CEO & Chief Board Consultant of M. A. Pfister Strategy Group and Chairman & CEO of Integral Board Group, a specialized Board services and consulting company. In this webinar Mark draws on his long career sitting on and advising Boards, exploring the importance of creating a Board at any stage of business growth and provides a step-by-step roadmap to successfully plan and build an effective Board.
How to align your Board with your values, vision, and mission
Board Member evaluation & selection
The background and need for governance
The history and importance of strategy
What makes a great Board?
International Board Director Competency Designation (IBDC.D) certification holders will receive 1 CPE credit by watching
(follow proper CPE submission guidelines)
(Related: National Speaking Tour - 'Building an Effective Board For Your Company')
(Related: Consulting - 'Board Evaluation - Strategic Review & Expert Advisory')
(Related: Consulting - 'Board Build - Strategic Planning & Structuring Engagement')
(Related: Book - 'Across The Board: The Modern Architecture Behind an Effective Board of Directors')
Using Strategy for Difficult Times
...But What Exactly is Strategy?
The founder of Mindfulness Intelligence, Linda Bjork, gets to pick the brain of Strategist and Board Expert Mark A. Pfister on how to think about strategy and the use strategy in times of crisis - and beyond.
From the facebook group for Executives 'How To Win In Leadership Without Losing Yourself.'
International Board Director Competency Designation (IBDC.D) certification holders will receive 1 CPE credit by watching
(follow proper CPE submission guidelines)
(Related: Consulting - 'The Strategy Workshop')
(Related: National Speaking Tour - 'The Strategy of Strategy')
(Related: Consulting - 'Board Build - Strategic Planning & Structuring Engagement')